The Quarterback
A clone of the tenth Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler made by Rassilon and the sisterhood of Karn with all three people in a mixed look of all three together as a new Time Lord. The new Time Lord took the title of The Quarterback and a promise that matched his constitution. They dropped him off on Earth on the western continent of America in the 2014 where he got a good since of this part of the world. He automatically has the knowledge of all three of people whose DNA he's made from, noticed that this part of the world needs protection from all of the things he knows about. He found out exactly which state he is located in Tennessee in the Smokey Mountains. He made a sonic screwdriver out of ravoc pen lights, Energizer pen lights, a cellphone circuit, a calculator circuit, and a swatch battery. He eventually bought a cabin then found TARDIS parts that were lost from different TARDISES and the circuitry, building them into the cabin over the course of eight years and...